ACM’s cultural diversity is one of our biggest assets. The PTA Inclusiveness Committee works to promote awareness, inclusion, and engagement of the diverse populations represented in the ACM community. They encourage PTA’s membership, leadership, programs, and printed materials to reflect the diversity of the community. Finally, the committee identifies and addresses barriers that would hinder inclusivity including recruiting volunteers to translate PTA communications when needed. Multicultural Night in the spring is put on by this committee. Contact the chair at


The RISD SAGE Committee fulfills PTAs mission of “Every Child, One Voice” by ensuring that the specific educational needs of students with disabilities and learning differences are represented and included in PTA support and activities. We support that with the SAGE (Special and Gifted Education) Committee at ACM, which is committed to supporting the students, teachers, and families of students with all special needs, diagnoses, and learning differences. If you would like to be part of this committee, email