The ACM PTA maintains a clothes closet of used uniforms that are available for families at the school. We also work in conjunction with the RISD Clothes Closet to provide clothing for families in need. During the year, we host multiple used uniform giveaways. 

  • Donate your clean, gently used uniforms in the blue bins labeled “Uniform Donations” in the lobby of ACM during regular school hours to benefit other ACM families. 
  • Need free, gently used uniforms for your student(s)? Contact or fill out this form:

We work in collaboration with the RISD Clothes Closet whose mission is "helping students (pre-K through high school) in financially challenging situations gain clothing that they can comfortably and proudly wear.” They are seeking: 



  • Clean or current clothing in sizes 3T-Adult XXL+
  • Winter accessories like hats, gloves, scarves, and coats
  • Bras and sports bras
  • Backpacks or duffel bags 


  • Shoes, preferably athletic shoes
  • Underwear
  • Socks
  • Toiletries

These items can be donated in the ACM lobby in a blue bin labeled “Clothes Closet” or at their location across from RHS on Monday mornings between 9:30–11:30 AM. 


Each PTA is also responsible for providing volunteers each year to help at the RISD Clothes Closet and the requirements for each are: 

  • Three Monday morning shifts per semester to help with sorting donations (9:30–11:30 AM) and two Tuesday shopper and driver shifts per year to select items requested by students and bring them to the school where they are located. Interested? Contact
  • We will hold a Winter Clothing drive mid-year to support students in need of jackets and winter accessories so look for more information on that in the coming weeks. 

If you have questions, please email