Welcome back, Falcon Family!


I hope your winter break was filled with all the wonderful things and that you are rested and ready to embark on a new year.


You will be hearing more about our first-ever silent auction as the excitement builds on this new fundraising opportunity. We have loved our Falcon Pride Donation Drive. It has served our community well over the years, completely funding the PTA and allowing us to provide free events and programs like carnival, multicultural night, field day, monthly teacher appreciation, Ninja Nation, the planetarium experience, Skating 101, donuts with grown-ups, and so much more. In recent years, we have been presented with campus improvement projects that cannot be financially supported without additional fundraising. The silent auction is our chance to achieve some of those larger projects while building community and having some fun.


A committee of PTA and campus leadership has been discussing both past and current requests as well as brainstorming ideas that will be the most meaningful to our school. Out of these discussions has come several PTA Project possibilities, all varying in cost and scope. We need your feedback to prioritize these projects and determine fundraising goals. Please complete this questionnaire and tell us what matters most to you and your student.




As always, feel free to contact me at president@acmpta.org with any questions. I am very interested in your thoughts and want to address any concerns and questions as well as hear your ideas.


Falcons Soar Higher!

Melissa Jezek

ACM PTA President
